Animal Hypoxia Chamber - Disease Modeling
BioSpherix’s Animal ‘A’-Chambers and Gas Controllers provide highly reproducible conditions with O2, CO2, NO, CO, and O3, using Animal Isolation Chambers designed to provide controlled, isolated environments for animal modeling in the following areas:

- Ocular/Eye – Hyperoxia, hypoxia, hypercapnia exposures (ROP-Retinopathy of Prematurity, Diabetic Retinopathy, and AMD-Adult Macular Degeneration)
- Pulmonary – Chronic hypoxia, Intermittent ozone exposure (PAH-Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, COPD-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Pulmonary Fibrosis)
- Apnea – Intermittent hypoxia, acute hypoxia, and/or hypercapnia (Sleep Apnea, Apnea of Prematurity, OSA-Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
- Vascular – Hypoxia (Atherosclerosis, Angiogenesis)
- Ischemia – Acute hypoxia (Cardiac Infarction, Stroke, Wound)
- CNS/Central Nervous System – Hypoxia (ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, SIDS-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- Blood – Hypoxia (Polycythemia, Beta thalassemia, Sickle cell)
- Development – Hypoxia (Preeclampsia, Eclampsia)
- Recreational/Occupational – Hyperoxia, hypoxia (Oxygen Bars, Athletic oxygen supplementation, Athletic conditioning, Altitude sickness)
- Hyperoxia (Respiratory therapy, Pulmonary oxidative damage)
- Carbon Monoxide
- Nitric Oxide
- Hypoxia